2019 Institutional Real Estate Allocations Monitor
Cornell University's Baker Program in Real Estate and Hodes Weill & Associates are pleased to present the findings of the seventh annual Institutional Real Estate Allocations Monitor (the "2019 Allocations Monitor"). The 2019 Allocations…

What to Do on Your Summer Vacation (2019 Edition)
It seems like it was only yesterday that I wrote the Cornell Real Estate Council Blog, “What To Do on Your Summer Vacation” in the Spring of 2018 and here we are with Cornell students heading off around the world again.c

Dallas Chapter Event Recap – Bluelofts Dallas
To kick off 2019, the Dallas Chapter of the Cornell Real Estate Council held a property tour and Happy Hour. The group met with the founders of the new Urban Live-Work concept, Bluelofts and then toured the company’s first model unit. CREC…

The Summer’s Over – Now What? CREC CAP to the Rescue!
Summer Interns: Most summer real estate-related internships have ended and it is time to sit back, reflect on your summer experience and decide what your next steps should be toward finding a full-time opportunity or next summer’s internship.

Dallas Chapter Event Recap – Old Parkland Property Tour
The Dallas Chapter of the Cornell Real Estate Council held its first property tour last Thursday, July 18th 2018. The group toured Crow Holdings' historic Old Parkland hospital office complex and then capped off the evening with a happy hour…

Real estate titans discuss the importance of mentorship
Real estate developers Howard Milstein ’73 (A&S) and William Rudin inherited impressive business portfolios from their fathers and grandfathers, and their children will one day lead their holdings into the future. Those children—Michael…

Cornell Graduate Real Estate Students Win Prestigious ULI Hines Case Competition
For the first time, a multidisciplinary team of Cornell students from architecture, city and regional planning, and the Cornell Baker Program in Real Estate has won the $50,000 first prize in the annual Urban Land Institute (ULI) Gerald D. Hines…

Waterparks: What’s on Deck in 2018?
The waterpark industry continues to expand in North America, with more than $1 billion in new investment in indoor and outdoor waterparks and their related resorts in 2018. Nearly 60 expansions and new facilities will open in 2018. We project…

What to Do on Your Summer Vacation (2018 Version)
If you are lucky enough to have a summer internship within real estate, here are some tips to maximize the value of your summer experience.
First, many firms use summer internships as their primary source for hiring full time employees.…

Raising Funds from the Rising Sun
Last year saw a wave of foreign investment in the Thai property market in the form of project-by-project development joint ventures.
Historically, foreign ownership restrictions and the availability of local funding meant there were limited…