Baker Program Heads to South Florida for Miami Trek
The Cornell Real Estate Council South Florida Chapter co-hosted the Baker Program Reception for an evening of cocktails and hors d’oeuvres welcoming the Baker Program in Real Estate classes of 2022 and 2023. The event was held at the Kimpton Surfcomber Hotel in Miami Beach.
With CREC Board members on hand to network, answer questions and engage in dialogue about the latest real estate industry trends, South Florida’s CREC leadership assembled a high quality, finance and investment focused panel as part of the Baker Pro
gram’s Miami Trek over Spring Break.
There were approximately 50+ students in attendance, including international students ranging from India, Thailand, Mexico, and South Korea. Faculty and industry professionals engaged in Q&A and discussion throughout the evening with the goal of supporting Baker students and enhancing their educational experience while helping them build their networks in the real estate industry.
Under the leadership of Dylan Fonseca and Duane Stiller, and with help from Garret Beck, the CREC South Florida chapter was a great host! They are looking forward to expanding their regional membership and to offering more events that combine key topics with an opportunity to connect Cornellians; please spread the word to anyone living in the area that if they are not already CREC members to join today!