Fairfield at Ross – Dallas, TX – Multifamily Development Project
Recent trends in apartment living include a growing desire for renters of all ages to live in downtown urban cores. Recognizing this trend, and taking advantage of the dearth of amenity-rich apartments in the vibrant, rapidly-gentrifying West…

My First Position after Cornell – Will Woodworth, MBA
Following my MBA at Cornell, I took a position as a senior associate in the investment originations group at Rockbridge, a hotel-focused private equity firm based in Columbus, OH. While I had worked in real estate finance prior to arriving in…

Why I Volunteered for CREC
There are a number of reasons I not only joined CREC, but also volunteered to serve on the Steering Committee to help (re)launch the organization, and they can all be summed up in one word: opportunity. I seized the opportunity to (i) expand…

RE Profession – Living and Working for Heitman in Chicago
I’m an originator for the Real Estate Debt Team at Heitman LLC, a global real estate investment manager. As a firm, we invest in public securities, private equity, and real estate debt. I’m responsible for sourcing debt investments for the…

My First Position after Cornell – Tom Deighton, MMH RE Minor
Prior to Cornell, I spent two years living and working in New York. During my time in the city, I gained an interest in hospitality, which I wanted to pursue at Cornell so that I might someday be able to open my own restaurants and hotels.

My First Position after Cornell – JJ Fives, SHA RE Minor
When reflecting on my time as an undergraduate student at Cornell, there are many feelings that come to mind. However, one word stands out among the rest: grateful. I am grateful for many of the opportunities Cornell has opened up for me, but…

About Cornell RE-Connection
Cornell RE-Connection: Connecting Students and Alumni to Share Information and Insight
As the Council developed its website, one of the key features that was envisioned for the website was a capability that allows members (and only members)…